Fictional Archaeologists on Television

Daniel Jackson in SG1. Sensitive, intelligent; an expert in ancient Egyptian style languages, who also goes into combat and handles himself pretty well. Why does he know so much about everything? Or are we yet to have him confronted by a British Iron age hill-fort on another planet and have him fail to lecture the rest of the team on ritual rubbish deposits, iron bars and round houses? At least he wears glasses. 
Indianna, well, what can i say that is new? The swashbuckling, and over informed sarcastic lecturer. How would you feel if he turned up in the office with his whip and sweating, only for him to disappear off set chasing men in uniform? At least his father had the beard and tweeds. Of course, we loved them both, and never tire of being told we remind someone of them when we wear our sun hats.

Unfortunately there are few females. There was Lara Croft with unfeasibly lifted chest and acrobatic turns. There was also a female tomb-robbing archaeologist in Star Trek, the love interest of Captain Picard, sci fi’s most famous ex-archaeology student. A bitter Professor also makes an appearance in the show, again suggesting that most of archaeology is subterfuge, resulting in dodging politically or financially motivated warriors across the galaxy. 

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